DB 180: My GrandMentor Myron Golden On Sales, Marketing & Storytelling

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Our guest in Episode 180 is Myron Golden. In episode 176, Eva had her mentor Russell Brunson on the show. Russell is considered one of the world’s leading marketers and Myron is the person that Russell commonly refers to as his mentor. That’s why the title of this episode refers to Myron as Eva’s GrandMentor 🙂 We are big believers that it is never too early to start dreaming big and taking action. But we’re also big believers in the power of mentorship, and after you hear Eva’s interview with Myron, you will understand why Russell turns to Mryon for advice.

Myron contracted polio as an infant and has walked with a metal brace on his leg his entire life. That hasn’t stopped Myron from becoming a black belt in martial arts and a skilled golfer. And it certainly hasn’t held him back in business – where Myron has become a go-to speaker and trainer in the areas of sales and marketing. Eva met Myron at Russell’s Unlock the Secrets event last year — and we’re so grateful that she decided to introduce herself, invite him on the podcast, and that Myron agreed to be her guest. Please enjoy Eva’s interview with her GrandMentor, Myron Golden.


  • Myron shares the story behind his visible limp and what we can learn from his experience.
  • How Myron came to love martial arts and golfing.
  • Myron’s initial experiences in sales and why he knew that developing this skill was so essential.
  • Myron explains why telling stories is so powerful for sales and how it moves people to take action.
  • Why most people do not like salespeople
  • Why it is necessary to understand that salespeople are so important and why young big dreamers should consider wanting to get good as sales.
  • Myron tells an entertaining and inspiring story he shared in one of Russells’ events funnel hacking live a few years ago — the story about a baby eagle learning to fly. 
  • Lessons you can learn from Myron’s baby eagle story — The law of Advancement.
  • Myron’s advice to his 10-year old self.
  • How Myron overcomes his fears and doubts.
  • Myron’s Big Dream for the future.
  • And so much more!



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